







一、加强领导,成立组织: 切实加强对全镇创建文明公路工作的领导。镇成立以镇党委书记为组长,分管公路和城镇建设的副镇长为副组长,行政执法分局、规划分局、公安、财政、水利、林业、土地等单位为成员的领导小组,切实抓好镇文明公路创建工作。

二、创建工作任务、完成时间: 根据政[XX]54号文件精神,镇XX年创建文明公路工作已完成的任务是:使s311公路街道段,美化、亮化、建设绿化带、排水设施建设、整治骑路集市、占道经营、乱堆乱放等。镇区外道路,加强建筑红线控制,整治违法建设,确保道路中线两侧50米内,无违章建筑。具体任务落实如下:



3、公路绿化带建设:s311公路东起新区西至淮南铁路,新建绿化池,灌木与树木绿化相间, XX年10月底完工,加油站经化肥厂至淮溪大道约3公里新建绿化池,灌木与树木绿化相间于11月底完工,确保公路美化、绿化,使公路绿起来。










为提高我镇村民的城镇意识、文明意识、卫生意识和整体素质,我镇将创建工作摆在突出位置,切实加强领导,努力做到 “两个到位和两个确保”。





































(五)“我们的节日”活动丰富多彩。在今年春节期间,联合有关部门开展义务写春联活动,与大树、栗园等村联合开展“红红火火过大年 热热闹闹庆元宵”活动,给广大群众送去了道道节日文化大餐,营造欢乐祥和的节日氛围。清明节期间,积极开展“文明祭祀”活动以,以鲜花代替幂纸,倡导文明祭扫新风。端午节,结合端午节包粽子、插艾叶等习俗,积极与其他部门一起开展端午慰问活动,为辖乡困难群众和敬老院送上了节日的问候。在中秋期间,积极走访辖乡困难家庭,为他们送上祝福。






























拟定了《XX区创建国家森林城市工作实施方案》,积极落实创建工作各项任务。目前XX区公园绿地、建成区单位附属绿地、居住小区绿地建设的近期(2014年-2015年)任务已基本完成。同时,收编创建森林城市的相关资料,建立2013年-2015年义务植树登记卡共 210 份。























平潭县东临台湾海峡,西隔海坛海峡与福清市为邻,南近莆田市。平潭县由126个岛屿组成,陆地面积371.91平方公里,海域面积6000多平方公里,海岸线长399.82公里。接下来是我为大家整理的关于福州平潭英语 导游词 ,方便大家阅读与鉴赏!


We took the old-fashioned bus all the way from Liushui station to the fairyland of Donghai in Pingtan. I finally got to the scenic spot. There are immortal well, immortal ce, immortal Valley, immortal peak and golden Guanyin in the scenic area.

Xianren Valley is a place where Xianren uses a sharp sword to split the hill near the sea into two parts, revealing a door facing the East China Sea. On both sides of the cliff side of the sea, side of the mountain, steep straight. The stones under the feet were as smooth as goose eggs. They picked up a few stones and smashed them on the ground with a big bang. Many people take off their shoes and walk barefoot on the rocks. It's so hot. I carefully walk to the rocks by the sea. Listen to the wes beating against the rocks.

Xianren well is also one of the wonders of sea erosion. The depth of the well is more than 47 meters, the diameter of the wellhead is more than 50 meters, surrounded by cliffs, and there are three small holes at the bottom of the well connected with the East China Sea. From the top down, it's a bit too high to be cold.

Along the path down, the sea breeze, in front of the sea panoramic view, very beautiful, very broad.

Near four o'clock, we took a bus to longfengtou bathing beach, the broad beach, white fine sand, clean sea water. The soles of people's feet sank into the thin sand beach. I ran and danced and followed my father to the sea. When I was in the water, I jumped along the spray. The spray jumped so high that the people nearby screamed and jumped up with the spray. I was playing. Accidentally, I tasted the salty taste of the sea.

It was getting dark and the sea was a little cold, so I went ashore reluctantly. The sea makes me feel incomparable joy and excitement, I love the sea!


In recent years, Pingtan comprehensive experimental area has gradually come into people's view. It is known as a "unicorn" on the southeast coast. In just a few years, with the "Qilin" take-off, Pingtan is changing rapidly.

The original narrow "916" road has taken on a new look and is named "Cuiyuan road". On both sides of the road, row upon row of high-rise buildings replace the previous scattered bungalows, adding an urban flor.

At first, we got out of the island by ferry. The traffic was very inconvenient. We couldn't get out of the island in case of typhoon. The small boat in the wes one after another, shaking left and right, people do not he a sense of security. Now you can drive your own car and drive fast on the Strait Bridge. In the near future, high-speed rail will also be put into use.

This "unicorn" has not only undergone "external" changes, but also "internal" changes. In the past, garbage can be seen everywhere in the streets, sewage can be discharged at will, and even we can see garbage bags "roaming" in the sky. Now, to create a civilized city, everyone should take action. The cleaners work on the roadside, some classify the waste products, some clean the peel and paper scraps, and some clean the road. I also try my best to pick up the garbage when I see it and throw it into the garbage can. When I see the sanitation workers working hard, I say hello to them.

Pingtan's city earance and earance take on a new look: a series of flat roads, winding around the island and stretching into the distance; a lot of high-rise buildings, a modern urban-rural integration of the city in front of us. At night, the neon lights are bright, and all the streets become the shining Milky way.

With the development of Pingtan Island, it has changed its role from "small fishing village" to "international tourism island". It attracts Chinese and foreign tourists to linger: enjoy the unique scenery of "stone house" in Beigang cultural and creative village; taste the authentic snacks of Pingtan in Haitan ancient city; watch the spectacular sunrise on the sea in longfengtou beach

Pingtan Island is only 68 nautical miles away from Hsinchu, so Pingtan has close ties with Taiwan. Taiwan's duty-free shops are set up in Pingtan, cross-strait cooperation in swimming, and cross-strait trade cooperation is frequent. The "Taiwan Strait" is a bridge linking the two sides of the Strait, implying "one family on both sides of the Strait, realizing the Chinese dream together.".

From the undiscovered small fishing village to today's Pingtan comprehensive experimental area, Pingtan Island is like a soaring "unicorn". In the near future, it will attract every friend from all over the world with more charming style.


Hometown is always unforgettable for drifters. Harbor is also the eternal hope of people. Looking at the beautiful scenery; listening to the familiar sound of the sea Oh, every bit of my hometown, I am intoxicated, drunk on a thousand reef island; drunk on a piece of rich land Yes! The same blue sky, different "square inch" of the land, this may be the nature of the creation and preference of it.

Pingtan, my hometown, is endowed with enchanting beauty by nature. I am proud of it. Once someone asked: "Pingtan is just a desolate island with only stones but no grass. What can I be proud of when I eat it up and down?" I replied with pride: no! It's just the past

Now in the reform and opening up today, the face of my hometown has undergone earth shaking changes. Don't you believe it? When you see it with your own eyes, you may be amazed!

First of all, the living conditions of the people in their hometown he been significantly improved. Beautiful environment and new residential areas he sprung up. Most of the people in their hometown he moved out of the bungalows without kitchens, sewers or bathrooms and into the spacious and bright new buildings. People he constantly improved their civilized behior, live in harmony and enjoy themselves. When my hometown was still in a poor county, most of the wardrobes of every family were monotonous colors. Now the wardrobes he become larger, and it is not new to he several sets of famous brand clothes.

In addition, one broad and flat concrete road after another has replaced the stone road of the past, with rows of bright street lamps erected on the roadsides; the rainbow like cross sea bridge has also been opened to traffic. Now, with the unique tourism resources, my hometown is a golden cornucopia

My hometown is not only beautiful but also rich in products. It is not only a tourist attraction, but also a history textbook. It is the crystallization of the hard work and wisdom of more than 300000 parents and villagers. It is a bright pearl in the treasure house of the motherland. I long for the rapid development of my hometown. Today I want to turn my love for my motherland and hometown into a driving force for learning. Tomorrow I will devote my talents to my hometown and make my hometown look younger and more beautiful.


Xianrenjing is located in the south corner of Wangye, Donghai village, Liushui Town, Pingtan Island. It is one of the most attractive scenic spots in "Donghai fairyland" on Pingtan Island. I'm looking forward to hearing the name for the first time. Since it is called immortal, it must be a masterpiece of nature!

Stop at cement Dacheng on the hillside and get off. The fishy smell came to my face. Because of the closure of fishing in Jinghai, fishermen arranged and repaired fishing nets by the roadside.

When you enter the mountain gate, you will see the immortal valley. The small hill near the sea seems to be split in two by Damocles' sword, revealing a portal about 30 meters away from the East China Sea. Through the door, you can see the vast east China Sea. The sea blue seems to listen to the announcement at any time outside the immortal Valley, and enter the hall to serve the immortal to take a bath to relieve the cool summer. The pebbles in the valley, no matter how big or small, are round, even if they are round and smooth. How much thought will it take to polish such exquisite pebbles!

Up the stairs, though the sun is burning overhead, it is cool and not sweaty because of the sea breeze. After a while, they reached the top. After all, the mountain is close to the sea, and its altitude is estimated to be less than 100 meters.

Looking around from the railings, the coast is winding, with many headlands; the sea is vast, and the blue skirt is wrinkled and turned, which is tantalizing! When you look down from the sky, you can see xianrenjing. This is a big well. Is it the home well of the Dragon King of Donghai? It's slightly square, with a diameter of more than 50 meters and a depth of 48 meters. It's said that it's surrounded by cliffs and precipices, which can be called uncanny workmanship. To the east of the bottom of the well, there is a big hole in the north and south, leading to the sea.

When the tide rises, the two tides, like two white dragons, come straight from the East China Sea to the entrance of the ce. In order to fight for the well, the two white dragons all rushed in by the east wind without giving in to each other. They fought against each other with their swords coming and going. With the sound of fighting and braying, "it resounds through the sky, and the spectators are all thrilled". Finally, they fought for 9981 times. Although the silver armour was flying around, it was hard to win. When the tide comes and the well rises, the water overflows the mouth of the ce. At last, Erlong is calm and peaceful. According to Pingtan County annals, "every spring tide on the first and the fifth day of the lunar new year, the huge wes in the well dance and roar, just like the music of the Dragon Palace. When the wind and rain come, thousands of dragonflies gather at the wellhead. " This phenomenon is affectionately legendary by the lovely Pingtan people as "sea monsters" and "Dragon Palace treasures". It's a pity that I didn't come at the right time to see this spectacle. When the tide recedes, a good person can ask a boat to enter the well through the big hole at the foot of the mountain. The bottom of the well is covered with bright green pebbles. Although there is no beautiful scenery of Taoyuan, there must be a wonderful taste of "watching the sky from the well".

How did the Xianren well come into being? It turned out that it was a shaft formed by the combined action of sea erosion. For thousands of years, the sea water has never stopped eroding the Wangye mountain. Those whose hard work is not enough are the first to corrode and peel off. Over the years, the sea erosion area has been expanding, and even caused the collapse of the upper strata in neili. Later, the rock peeled off and fell until it collapsed completely, so Xianren well eared.


Hello, everyone! Welcome to Pingtan for sightseeing. Pingtan is the largest island in Fujian Province and the fifth largest island in China. It is known as "thousands of reefs and hundreds of islands". It is like spring all the year round, with beautiful scenery and many tourists. Today, let me introduce Pingtan xianrenjing to you. Xianrenjing, known as "the first scenery in the fairyland of the East China Sea", is now a national scenic spot. Xianren well has a diameter of 33 meters and a depth of more than 40 meters. There are two underground openings connected with the sea. It is said that these openings are the only way for the Dragon King of the East China Sea to pay tribute to the Jade Emperor.

Standing on the top of the mountain, listening to the ebb and flow of the tide under your feet, it is poetic and picturesque.

When the tide is high, the wes rush into the ce, surging and roaring. It has the potential to shake the sky and the earth. It's really breathtaking and breathtaking.

When the tide falls, visitors can enter the ce at the bottom of the well for sightseeing. When you look up and sit in the well, you can see that the sky on the top of the mountain is only as big as your palm, as if you were in a fairyland, very quiet and mysterious; when you look around, the walls are steep, towering and rugged, magnificent; when you look down at the bottom of the well, you can see cobbles, blue and green, smooth and gorgeous, like pearls, like agate, very beautiful.

When you come to xianrenjing, you can not only enjoy the attractive scenery, but also enjoy the "natural foot bath". Roll up your trousers, barefoot, step on the smooth cobblestone, and let the sea gently touch your skin. At this time, you will be surprised to find that the fatigue of the day is exhausted, and you will feel relaxed and energetic instead.

If you are on the top of the mountain in the early morning, it is a wonderful pleasure to watch the sunrise on the sea. In the early morning, a red sun cuts across the sky, and then a red face hangs lazily in the sky, reflecting in the water. Suddenly, a big pink mirror ears in the sea, and the golden light is flashing. People can't help reciting the poem "flying mirror under the moon, clouds forming a sea building".

If you come early and catch up with the sunny day, you can also take a boat trip, stand at the bow of the boat, watch the cliff, and see the natural stone scenery that looks like the half body statue of Goddess Guanyin.

Of course, it's fun to enjoy the beautiful seaside scenery at sunset. The afterglow of the setting sun spreads all over the sea, and the little wes are shining with charming light. On the shore, clam diggers, shell collectors, we walkers, walkers and swimmers come and go in an endless stream. At the junction of the sea and the sky, the beautiful gulls, with their white wings on their back, hover low on the sea and sing from time to time.

"Seeing is better than hearing". The sentimental Pingtan people welcome friends from all over the world and often visit their hometown!

福州平潭英语导游词相关 文章 :

★ 2021福州三坊七巷的英文导游词

★ 英语导游词介绍福州2021

★ 平潭旅游导游词介绍概况

★ 福州导游词概况合集

★ 导游省景点词大全

★ 福州的风景导游词大全合集

★ 导游词作文描写福州景物

★ 福建景点导游词最新范文5篇

★ 福州的风光导游词5篇

★ 美丽福建景点导游词最新5篇








问答时现场抽题, 景点讲解之后再抽。 若是抽到的题确定是考纲之外的,那么恭喜你肯定通过了,因为考官觉得你很棒,所以故意出一些题目想看看你怎么答。另外回答一定要真实,比如考官问这个景点你去过吗?没去过考官也不会觉得怎么样,可以说现在通过书籍网络等很多手段也了解了很多。



1、 前一个考生出来时,最好侧身让位,不要让考官感觉我们迫不及待要冲进去。






8、 只要仪态正常,大大方方,基本10分没问题。服装来说,一定要有袖子,特别是女生,不要是无袖或吊带。无论男生女生,不要穿牛仔有关的服装,牛仔衣牛仔裤牛仔裙都不要。女生可以参考凯特王妃的着装,虽然不是套装但是都很正式好看。男生不要穿短裤,穿个有领的衬衫。鞋子一定要干净,从头到脚观察自己扣子和拉链是否都扣好。往学生青涩的样子去靠也很好。

9、 头发一定要梳好,不要披头散发,特别是女生刘海尽量都夹好,不要时不时用手拨弄。

10、 声音不要做作,只要是自己平常的声音就可以,稍微带点嗲或者是沙哑都没有关系。

11、 语言仪态分一般不会早打,除非特别邋遢或是特别倾国倾城,大部分人都不是,所以全场都要注意自信表达,同时这个是可以调节分数的,所以老师都会放在最后打分。

12、“语言与仪态”一项得分8分及以下者,为不合格(不管其他项目得分多少) ,所以一般来说老师不会给这么低的分数。



